Threads in USA are mostly made of either PDO (Polydioxanone) or PLLA (Poly-L Lactic Acid). Both types of threads can be naturally broken down within the body. Most procedures of thread-lift have one or more of these following functions: 1. Immediate lifting effect – the threads have a series of tiny barbs or cones which grip the skin’s tissue beneath the skin’s surface. 2. Longer term regeneration of collagen and natural volume – the regenerative effect occurs gradually over 2-3 months following your treatment. When the threads are in place, they act on deeper layers of the skin and naturally stimulate the body so it produces new collagen. 3. Improvement of skin elasticity and texture – generally, smooth PDO threads are used for this function. Effects usually occur gradually over 2-3 months as well. Generally, thread-lift procedure is very safe and effective. However, there is a very small risk that the thread may break during or after the procedure itself. Q: What to do if the thread breaks? A: If the thread breaks during the procedure, a simple reinsertion solves the problem. If the thread breaks after the procedure, observation of the effect is advised. If the lifting effect is affected, a reinsertion to reinforce the lifting effect of the side that is broken will also solve the problem. For threads whose main function is collagen-regeneration or improvement of skin elasticity, broken threads will still produce the desired effects over time. Q: What happens to the broken threads which are already inside the skin? A: As discussed earlier, the desired lifting effect may be affected when the thread breaks. However, threads which are already positioned within the skin will in time produce the other functions, namely regeneration of collagen and improvement in skin elasticity and texture. And as already highlighted before, both types of threads will be naturally broken down within the body. Q: Should I tell my doctor if I think my thread breaks? A: Yes, you should inform your doctor and get your condition reviewed. If any reinsertion is required, your doctor should be able to tell you after assessing your skin.